Repressed Memories Resurfacing

Repressed Memories Resurfacing?

First, please allow me to say my heart feels for you. When childhood trauma resurfaces, it’s challenging to say the very least. Disorientating, for sure, and monumentally overwhelming. I’m so very sorry.

And at the same time that my heart is hurting for you and wishing all this wasn’t necessary, I also believe that your memory returning will prove to be a profound step in moving you towards healing.

Don’t Go It Alone

I pray you have an excellent counselor to process your memories with to help ease the overwhelm. But if you don’t, please consider counseling as the next step. Seek out a counselor you feel safe with who has a resume of specifically helping childhood sexual abuse survivors. I believe in counseling and encourage you to ask God to provide for and connect you with an excellent counselor.

Who do you know well that’s been in a counseling relationship? If they’re willing, ask them about their counseling experience. Did they feel valued? Safe? Well listened to? Think about what it would take for you to feel safe going to a counselor and then ask them about that criteria. For example, I needed a Christian counselor who practiced at the doctoral level to feel safe.

Special note, when asking for a referral, don’t feel pressured to share your story or the “why” behind you’re seeking a counselor. Boundaries are good, and you have the right to have boundaries. A safe friend will never pressure you to share something before you’re ready to share.

Now, suppose you don’t know of anyone to ask for a counseling referral, or you simply don’t want to ask for a referral. In that case, you could search the Christian Association for Psychological Studies directory for a counselor in your area practicing at the doctoral level. My amazing counselor, Dr. Richard Clark, is a member of CAPS.

When Childhood Trauma Resurfaces

Speaking of Richard, can I share something with you that he shared with me? This mental tool Richard taught me was so incredibly useful in giving me back a sense of security. A sense of control. For the details, click the link to read: How to Face a Monster.

As my memory returned, another tool I found to be invaluable was scripture—particularly verses about hope. I was in desperate need of hope. Real hope. The kind of hope only God can provide. Hope scriptures can be an anchor for your soul—a firm foundation for your mind. And so, I’ve curated a PDF of Hope Bible Verses and encourage you to read these out loud. To take hold of them with your voice. Cry out each verse as the prayer of your heart.

And speaking of prayer, here’s the prayer of my heart for you – Jesus, as my friend’s repressed memories resurface may you comfort and secure them. May you renew and fan the flames of their courage daily. Sustain them and keep them. And may your Presence and Word be an anchor for their soul and a firm foundation for their mind. Deeply encourage them and give them an unshakable knowing of your unending love. Amen.

When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. When you go through rivers of difficulty, you will not drown. When you walk through the fire of oppression, you will not be burned up; the flames will not consume you.” Isaiah 43:2

When my memories resurfaced, one of the verses I clung to was the above Isaiah passage. I loved this particular verse because of the repetitive phrasing when you go through. Sweet friend, this stage of the healing journey can be so overwhelming – but please remember, you’re moving through it. And you’re not alone; God is with you. And he will see you through.

Just when the caterpillar thought the darkness would win, she emerged as a butterfly!

From my heart to yours…

Sandra Adcock Signature