Silence and solitude. Ugh. At least, that’s how I used to feel. But not anymore. These days, times of silence and solitude with God bring to mind lyrics from Lauren Daigle’s song Love Like This…
When I am a wasteland, You are the water. When I am the winter, You are the fire that burns. When I am a long night, You are the sunrise. When I am a desert, You are the river that turns to find me.”
Time With Your Best Best Friend
I love to be intentional. For example, when I have a date on my calendar with a girlfriend, I’ll think about our time in advance and prepare for it. I’ll think about what I’ve been praying for in their life, where we left off the last time we talked, what her dreams are, and stuff like that. Time is precious, so I might even place questions or topics to cover in the Note app on my iPhone.
Intentionality is my default. My comfort zone. How I’m naturally wired.
But our sons, Brandon and Carder, taught me there’s another way of being together I’ve learned to lean into and come to treasure—one without an agenda, void of a plan.
Relationally, sometimes, intentional conversation isn’t the best plan. Sometimes, it’s best to simply ask God to author our time together. God knows the needs of my friends’ soul and mine. God knows the plans he has for our friendship and our individual lives. So, I just lean in, trust God, and wait to see how he leads our conversation.
Sure, there can be the occasional awkward silence. But more times than not, the silence leads to beautiful places.
Silence and Solitude – From Ick to Awe
So, after practicing this new unstructured way of relating with girlfriends, I began to wonder about spending time with God in the same fashion.
For the longest, my times with God were only structured and intentional. And that was awesome and fruitful, for sure. But then I began to wonder, What if I asked God to author our times together?! What if I came to him without an agenda? Void of a plan? Could this be what people mean when they talk about silence and solitude?!
That was years ago. And what I can tell you now about spending time with God in silence and solitude—God took me from ick to awe. From boredom to exhilaration. From work to rest.
Here’s the most important thing: there are a million ways to spend time with Jesus and experience his love. Intentional ways, yes! And more free-flowing ways, yes! It’s all amazing and nurturing.
A Still Place
Want to join me in practicing silence and solitude?!
As I said a second ago, there are a million ways to spend time with Jesus. Therefore, lots of ways to go about silence and solitude. So, I’ll just share one way I enjoy a little silence and solitude retreat.
First, find a place to be still and quiet.
Being outdoors stills my soul, and that’s the stillness I long for. Some people want to be physically still, which is totally cool. But for me, I love to experience silence and solitude while in motion. So, I’ll go out on my back balcony where all our chairs rock. Or I’ll hop on my bike and pedal down by the lake. There’s just something about the motion of rocking or pedaling. It’s like feeling the Holy Spirit turn off all my production and performance buttons. One by one. Awww…rest.
So, my friend, what’s a place for you to become still and quiet? No matter your season of life, the Father has a place of stillness for you. Back when Brandon and Carder were at the lakehouse, our master closet was my still, quiet space. If only for just 10 to 15 minutes.
Silence and Solitude – God is the Author
Alright, you’re all nestled into your favorite nook. Or, if you’re like me, you’re in motion anticipating some silence and solitude—just you and Jesus. God is the Author of this time together.
Allow him to anchor your soul.
Deep breath.
Let go and lean into the Spirit.
Imagine the Holy Spirit alive within you, switching off all your get ‘er done buttons, one by one. Oh, yes!
No agenda. Zero plan.
Just rest and breathe.
And see what God does next.
Silence, Solitude, and Prayer
Jesus, I don’t know why exactly, but it’s hard to come to you without an agenda. But I want to.
I love our structured, very intentional times together. But my soul is longing for silence and solitude today.
My mind wants to be still. At rest. Help me.
Father, you are the Author of my faith. Please author our time together today.
You know my deepest need and where you are leading me in life.
I trust you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
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Thanks for stopping by! Until we meet again, remember – Trusting in Jesus, you’ll have more treasure than pockets. From my heart to yours,