by Sandra Adcock | Emotional Burnout, Post Traumatic Hope, Work Burnout
Beloved, do the following statements resonate with you? Nobody is harder on me than me. Nobody is more hateful to me than me. Ugh! Are you wondering, like me, how to stop self-sabotage?! Self Sabotaging Thoughts In the past seven months, I can’t tell you how...
by Sandra Adcock | Emotional Burnout, Post Traumatic Hope
What if you could know in advance, with absolute certainty, you’ll make it through?! Whatever circumstances come screaming into your life? You’ll make it through! Or suffering? All will come to a victorious end! Sound too amazing to be true? I used to...
by Sandra Adcock | Emotional Burnout, Post Traumatic Hope, Relationship Burnout, Work Burnout
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” Maya Angelou But what do you do when you’re burned out and confused about how to change your story and live the untold story you know is inside you? Live a Great Story Stories are simply...
by Sandra Adcock | Emotional Burnout
No question our world today seems to be careening out of control. Some would say bad behavior has become the norm. And maybe there’s some truth there. But what I see is a culture crying out in need. Our bodies can handle a great deal of stress, but...
by Sandra Adcock | Emotional Burnout, Work Burnout
Growing up, I remember my grandmother’s go-to summertime mantra, “You can’t get in the water until you know how to swim.” It seems harmless. But can you hear the fear? Can you hear the perfectionism trap? Mastery before risk. The Perfectionism...
by Sandra Adcock | Emotional Burnout, Work Burnout
Feeling anxious and stressed out? Here’s a daily stress and anxiety prayer to cast all your anxiety on Jesus because He loves and cares for you. A Daily Stress and Anxiety Prayer Lord, you say when I go through deep waters, you are here with me. As I face rivers...